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50.6 km - Altitude gain 700mt

Bacoli - Napoli

Bacoli -


Sunday 12  May 2024 50.6km Altitude gain 700mt
Technical Level: Intermediate
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Bacoli is a Parthenopean town of 27.000 inhabitants, located in the Campi Flegrei area, founded during the Roman age. It takes its name from the Hercules legend. According to Greek mythology, Hercules, on the completion of his 10th labour, settled in this place to let rest the oxen he had stolen from Gerione. Thanks to his stay, originated the popular belief according to which a temple in honour of Hercules was built and it was named Bovalio, hence the name “Bauli”, today Bacoli.

In Roman times, Bacoli became an important connection point between Cuma and Puteoli, the base city of the fundamental Militum Schola and a predilected location for many sumptuous villas in which patricians dedicated their time to otium, enjoying hot springs and the amenity of those places.
Roman domination makes the City of Bacoli a place of several prestigious archaeological sites, among which: Piscina Mirabilis, Cento Camerelle, Parco Archeologico di Baia Sommersa (Baia Archaeological Underwater Park), Tomba di Agrippina (Agrippina’s Tomb) and Sacello degli Augustali.
The artistic heritage of the area is not only from the Classic age. Several ages of Bourbonic works enriched Bacoli, one among all the Casina Vanvitelliana (Vanvitellian Casina), hunting lodge of the Bourbonic Royal House, designed by Luigi Vanvitelli.

Terra Ardente (Burning Land)
Bacoli is highly characterised by the volcanic features of Campi Flegrei’s caldera. Therefore, in the area coexist two volcanic lakes: Lake Miseno and Lake Fusaro, that are part of the Sites of Community Importance in terms of environment.
Moreover, the territory is affected by the fascinating phenomenon of bradisismo, which determines cycles of lowering and raising of the soil. This phenomenon guaranteed the preservation of a unique place in the world: Baia Archaeological Underwater Park. A real Roman Atlantis that can be admired through submarines, vessels or going snorkelling, among Roman mosaics, villas, and statues. A unique and unforgettable experience.
The volcanic activity also provided the area with the development of several thermal buildings where you can spend enjoyable moments in peacefulness, in aqua salus!

An essential characteristic of Bacoli is the sea, from the many bathing establishments, suitable for all ages, with fine sand and shallow water, to suggestive bays, such as the famous Schiacchetiello, known throughout the province for its crystalline water.

Points of interest

Piscina Mirabile and Cento Camerelle

Piscina Mirabile, or Mirabilis, is the most impressive cistern of Roman times ever found until today. It is the terminal structure of the ancient aqueduct, commissioned by Emperor Augustus, to merge the water originating from the Serino springs, in Irpinia, and provide not only Campania’s main cities, from Pompei up to Neapolis, Puteoli and Cuma, but also and above all the Roman fleet of Miseno. It is qualified with the adjective ‘Mirabile’ for the extraordinary dimensions of its entire plumbing structure which, dug in the tuff at more than 15 metres of profundity, makes it similar to a real subterranean Cathedral.

Castello di Baia (Baia Castle)

The Baia Castle rises on a promontory of 51 metres above sea level, which dominates the Phlegraean gem, and it is the seat of the “Museo dei Campi Flegrei” (“Campi Flegrei Museum”). The Castle arises on the ruins of a Villa Romana, dated back to the Late-Republican age, transformed in the Flavian age, and that, according to many archaeologists, was Julius Caesar’s summer residence. Recent archaeologist surveys have brought back to life, in the Parco Monumentale dell’Oasi di Baia (Baia’s Oasis Monumental Park), some finds that categorically denied the thesis according to which the villa was a property of Julius Ceaser, associating it instead with Nerone.

Chiesa di Sant’Anna (Saint Anne Church)

The Saint Anne Church, with its bell tower, stands out against the Bacoli landscape, by more than three centuries. Over the years it has begun the symbol not only of the Bacoli religion cult, in honour of the Virgin Mary’s mother, but also the symbol of the entire city. A prominent church, admirable from different corners of the town: from the shores of Lake Miseno to the Miliscola coastline; going along Via Panoramica, back from Monte di Procida town, and going along the so-called Via “Scavezzacollo” (on the street map: “Via Mozart”, ex “Via Cupa Salemme”).

Casina Vanvitelliana (Vanvitellian Casina)

Vanvitellian Casina represents, with the English Garden, the Caserta Royal Palace, and the Villa of Chaia (today Villa Comunale of the city of Naples), one of the last works of Carlo Vanvitelli (1782), always commissioned by the royal dynasty of Bourbon. In addition to the entire genealogy of the Bourbon of Naples, also the Kings of Italy, Umberto I and Vittorio Emanuele III, set foot there, as well as the Republic President Luigi Einaudi. In the collective consciousness it is also known as La Casa di Pinocchio (Pinocchio’s House), due to the similarity with the Blue Fairy’s house in the film “Pinocchio” 1972 by Comencini. People, for years, have ascribed those movie scenes to the Vanvitellian Casina, whereas they were filmed at the Martignano Lake of Viterbo.

Baia Sommersa (Underwater Baia)

Baia, in Campi Flegrei, in the province of Naples, at the ancient Roman time, began a flourishing climate station, near the important commercial port of Portus Julius and the majestic settlement of the military fleet of Capo Miseno. Since millenniums, this area has been characterised by the phenomenon of bradisismo, due to the territory’s volcanic action, which has caused the sinking of part of the important ruins. Imperial thermal baths, precious mosaics, sinuous statues, and marble floors have been discovered underwater.
To protect this patrimony, in 2002, the MARINE PROTECTED AREA of Baia was created: Underwater Archaeological Park with an incomparable historical and cultural value. There are eight underwater itineraries, that range from 3 to a maximum of 13 metres of profundity. Therefore, they are suitable for going SNORKELLING and SCUBA DIVING (underwater immersions for patented divers from the beginner level onwards), and for beginners’ immersions TRY SCUBA.



Naples is one of the most populated towns of Italy and there are almost one million inhabitants.

Since from the Ancient time, it has been a multicultural town, a destination longed for by many polpulations who  have succeeded in time and have shaped its aspect and culture.

Walking in the heart of the old city is retracing the town history. In fact, through the long and characterisic streets, the churches architectures and ancient nobiliary buildings are evident  different stratifications that show different historical and artistic influences. In fact in 1995 the historical center of Naples was declared from UNESCO “world cultural heritage”. Among the most famous streets there is Spaccanapoli, a very  long street that, if seen from the top of Vomero hill, seems to split in two the historical centre. Then there is Saint Gregorio Armeno street that is famous for the artisan shops of nativity scenes. A stop-over in the cathedral is suggested to see the chapel of Saint Gennaro considered one of the masterpieces of the baroque art.


If any food should be associated with Naples, it would definitely be pizza: the classic and most famous “pizza Margherita”, topped with mozzarella cheese, tomatoes and a leaf of basil, has been joined by many new and refined “gourmet” recipes, recently in vogue and able to suit all tastes. Pizza, in Naples, is a “serious matter” and the job of “making it” is considered as pure art: that is why nothing is improvised, and its preparation is made of precise gestures and procedures, wisely handed down from one artisan to another. In fact, in 2017 the “art of Neapolitan pizza-makers” was declared “Intangible Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO, thereby recognising pizza’s cultural relevance and identity value as a “Neapolitan (quality) brand”.

However, visitors willing to enjoy the flavors of traditional Neapolitan cuisine must prepare to be spoilt for choice! Among other typical products, a very tasty one is “casatiello”, a sort of “rustic pie”, made of a dough mixed with pepper and lard and filled with eggs, salami and cheese, traditionally prepared for Easter.

Actually, even Neapolitan pastry offers plenty of delights; sweet lovers can not miss a stop in a traditional pastry-shop to taste one of the local delicacies: the famous “Babà”, offered by every café and restaurants, either in its classic rum-flavored recipe, or covered in custard, cream or chocolate; still, the traditional “Sfogliatella”, a pastry with a delicious filling of semolina, ricotta cheese, eggs, sugar, candied fruit cut into small pieces, either wrapped in a shell-shaped crunchy puff pastry (the so called “riccia”) or surrounded by a round-shape thick shortbread (“frolla”) Babà and Sfogliatella flavoured ice cream definitely deserves tasting too.


Coffee is one of the symbols of Naples. Appreciated for its restoring property it is more than a simple beverage. Offering a cup of coffee or simply drinking it has a symbolic value, it’s a kindness, it’s an act of friendship. Coffee is  an opportunity for shortening distances and engaging a conversation. In Naples there is the custom of “caffè sospeso”: when you take a coffee in a bar  you can pay for an other coffee than is destinated to an other customer who will ask for. In this way is offered to a person who can not afford the price of the coffee.

Although  it is appreciated in all its varyties the most traditional manner to prepare the coffee is  using the so-called “cuccuma” the typical neapolitan coffee maker. It’ is composed of two overlapped containers. One is fill up with water and the other one with coffee powder. When the water boils, it is necessary to overtun the coffee maker in order to make water filter through the coffee powder. During this procedure it’s better to cover the spout of the coffee maker with a “coppettiello” that is a piece of paper fold as a cone in order to preserve the coffee aroma. It is taught by Eduardo De Filippo in his famous comedy “Questi fantasmi”.

Points of Interest

More and more people, from Italy and all over the world, plan to visit Naples every year. Its historical and cultural heritage makes Naples one of the top tourist destinations. Its several churches and museums, its typical alleys, and its ancient nobile buildings, tell us about two thousand-years of history, rooted in a crossroad of people and civilizations that deeply influenced the local culture and features.

Though, Naples captivating beauty does not come exclusively from its long history. This place is also fertile ground for innovation and creativity. A significant event has been the recent opening of Line 1 – Metro stations, the so called “Art Stations”. These stations have been designed by renowed architects (such as Alvaro Siza, Gae Aulenti, Massimiliano Fuksas, Karim Rashid, Alessandro Mendini, Oscar Tusquets Blanca) and great contemporary art-works have been placed within them. Not surprisingly, they are called “compulsory museums”, since daily passengers cannot avoid to look at the contemporary artworks displayed there, as well as to admire the city’s ancient greek and roman ruins, emerged from the metro line’s costruction sites.

Likewise, in its traditional “vicoli” (narrow and shadowy alleys), Napoli bursts with art and beauty. In the renowed, popular districts of “Quartieri Spagnoli” (“Spanish Quarter”) and “Sanità”, special tours are arranged to discover the many graffitis, and site-specific artworks recently appreciated, such as the street-artist Jorit, whose trademark is a powerful, almost photographic, realism in portraying famous people linked to Neapolitan history and culture. Among them, stands out the portrait of San Gennaro, city’s Patron Saint, depicted on the façade of a popular building, just a short walk from the Cathedral where his relics are preserved.

The underground city is very interesting too. It is possible to visit ancient tufa quarries that in the past where used as cisterns and also as shelters during the Second World War.

People who arrive in Naples have also to visit the hill districts. In Vomero it is possible to see the Charterhouse of San Martino or the XVth century Castle of Sant Elmo from which is possible to admire the city from above. Another panoramic point of the city is the hill of Posillipo. From here tourists can appreciate the Gulf of Naples and Sorrento coast.

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